Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

[the Terminator tosses his damaged power cell out the car window. The cell then explodes in a small mushroom cloud]
Terminator: When ruptured, the fuel cells become unstable. Relax.
Kate Brewster: [screaming from the back] Help! Let me out!
Terminator: [firmly, to Kate] Relax!

Apollo 13
Apollo 13

John Young: There's been an explosion. Oxygen tanks are gone. Two fuel cells gone. Command module shut down.
Ken Mattingly: What about the crew?
John Young: Crew's fine so far. Trying to keep 'em alive in the LEM. We're gonna have to shut that down pretty soon, too. We got a lot of people working the numbers on this one, Ken.

Nobody's too sure how much power we're gonna have when we hit re-entry. The command module's gonna be frozen up pretty good by then.